Spruce Up Your Anchor Charts

Anchor Charts are a great way to create a visual representation of the learning happening in your classroom.  We refer back to our anchor charts in the weeks/months to come, use them as writing resources in the room, and they just make the classroom look great!  
Here are 4 easy ways to make get more bang for your buck when it comes to anchor charts! 

1. Plan!  Plan out your charts ahead of time.  I had to go back and remake these charts because they were a MESS when I made them with the kids.  When I plan them out ahead of time I never have to go back and redo them.  You can read about how I plan out my charts for Daily 5 here.

2.  Use colorful markers.  I always mean to buy some great chart markers but it just never happens.  A great set of markers might make your day but they really aren't needed.  I made both of these charts with a simple set of Crayola markers.  The key is to use different colors to highlight areas of your chart. 

3. Use pictures to represent class ideas.  This is important especially for little learners.  When I started teaching younger grades I could hardly draw a stick person.  Don't be afraid to try it out and give your students the example of trying your best even if it's difficult. I can't draw trains, but I tried!
 4. Make them interactive! One of my favorite ways to engage students is to use an anchor chart and some sticky notes.  At the beginning of the year I introduce this sight word chart and students put a sticky note next to the word they find in their books during Read to Self time.  Later in the year I give them a larger sticky note and have them write the sight words they find.
That's how I spruce up my anchor charts.  How do you use charts in your classroom?  Share your tips in the comments below!
Thank you for stopping by today!  Here is a little writing resource FREEBIE to create personalized writing offices for your students to use in addition to your anchor charts! 
Writing Offices FREEBIE! Click HERE

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