My Favorite Books for the Letter B

There are so many fun ways to make connections in the classroom when teaching the alphabet. Reading lots and lots of books is my favorite! While we explore the letter B in multiple different ways, we also read these books and completed activities to go with them. So many connections being made each week! 

I've added affiliate links to these books so you can find them easily. This means I get a small amount if you purchase from my link, thank you for keeping my blog up and running!  

Here is a list of my favorite books that feature the letter B 

A Ball for Daisy by Chris Raschka

I've talked about this book before, it's one of my favorites to introduce Read to Self in the classroom. Read about that HERE. It is a wordless book so it is really fun to read silently, and let the students do the reading with their eyes. At the end I invite them to tell me what happened in the book. They are full of answers! This is perfect way to convince them that they are already readers!

We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen

This is such a fun read and call back book. I can still remember reading this with my very first class of Kinders! In my searching, I found THIS FUN VIDEO of Michael Rosen reading performing the book. Show it that way or use it as a read aloud, I like both! This book is the classical, We're Are Going a Bear Hunt, rhyme that incorporates movement and a sense of adventure!

A Bug, A Bear, and A Boy by David McPhail

When you are introducing literature in the classroom it is always nice to have some lower level books that are accessible to your early readers. This one is just that! It is a Level 1 Scholastic Reader that can easily be added to your library. In this book the bug, the bear, and the boy compare small, medium and large as they go about their day together. Super math connections for the beginning of the school year and the author has written a whole series of books that follow the adventures of these three unique friends.


Balloons Over Broadway by Melissa Sweet

This book is a bit long for a kindergarten classroom, but you can always shorten bits of it to get to the main idea. This is the story of the puppeteer that created the balloons for the Macy's Day Parade. I've always been obsessed with this parade each Thanksgiving day and love to imagine what it would be like to see it in person. One year I had a guest speaker that grew up in NYC and she told my class about sitting on the curb watching the big balloons go by. She explained that one year she got to watch from an apartment and it was a whole new perspective to see the balloons bob by like floating giants. I couldn't resist adding this book to the list!

I Like Bugs by Margaret Wise Brown

Another perfect book that is accessible to students right away. This is a Level 1 Step Into Reading book and what better subject, BUGS! Margaret Wise Brown does a fantastic job with the simple wording of this book.

Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

I love this classic! It is fun to talk about how old the book is (written in 1948) and point out that the book was published in just a couple of colors because that was all they could do back then. I like to bring out a newer book and compare what they look like. It never fails I will have one student come to me later in the year to show me an old book just based on the colors it was printed in.

The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR

This book gets read a lot! I like to use it for the letter M, the letter R, maybe even the letter S! Whatever letter you use it for it is fun to watch the little mouse try and find a way to keep the red ripe strawberry away from the bear. Also a great connection to Blueberries for Sal and a good time to talk about what bears eat. Berries!


Boats on the Bay by Jeanne Walker Harvery

I live in a climate that does not allow my students to have a great background of the difference between a bay and the ocean. So if you are like me you could have that conversation first to introduce the word "bay" to students. This book would also be perfect for a transportation unit to introduce all of the different types of boats you might see in a bay.


There are so many more but there is only so much time in a week! Here are the letter lessons to go with THE LETTER B. These include reading response pages, math connections, science lessons, food activities and so much more. It is a whole week of the letter B in one easy set! 

Thanks for reading today. If you would like to pin this post for later, PIN IT here! 

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