Peek at my Week: Field trips, Animal Research, and ASSESSMENTS, oh my!

So we have 4 weeks left in the school year.  4 weeks people!  I just had this sudden "OH NO" feeling that I haven't done everything I've wanted to do this year so it's time to get to work! 

We are completing our 2 weeks of field trips with Mrs. H20 this week as part of our water literacy program.  This week students will go to the water towers (to see where water in our community comes from) and then to the Waste Water Treatment plant (to see where it goes when we are done with it).  They get to meet the Queen of Poo at the plant!  This is like every Kindergarteners dream!  

Because 12 or so students will be missing each day my schedule needs to be super flexible.  I'm taking advantage of this to do some math assessments this week.  
Smaller numbers = Easy management!

Just in case I forget, here is the quick math assessment I whipped up for the end of the year.  I was trying to make it align with the CCSS and be something that I could either give whole group, or sit down with 4 or 5 kiddos at a time to give it.  I'm going to try small groups.  This is completely an experiment at this point.  You can try it too for free HERE!

Now for my plans: 

We have no school on Friday for a teacher work day (also....the fair is in town so the kiddos are all out enjoying that!)  I'm excited to get my classroom ready for those last few weeks of school.  

Here are the products I am using this week: (Click on any of the pics to see the products)

Morning Work is the start of our day.  Students work on these before heading off to independent centers.  This week we are working on decoding CVC words and rhyming.

Our story of the week is Alistair and Kipp's Adventure.  It's such a fun story and there are so many cool underwater creatures that come into the story that we will talk about during writing this week.  I love it when everything comes together!

During writing I am using an informational writing packet from Primary Graffiti.  It's an awesome way to get kiddos writing about animals.  It fits just perfectly with what we have been doing!
In math I am starting Unit 7 of Guiding Kinders.  We are going to do just the first lesson or so and then use a coin collecting game (to count to 100) along with our regular math tubs for some independent work.  I am being a little loosy goosy this week because I will be utilizing the math tubs a lot while I meet with small groups to give the assessments.  Oh we shall see how this goes!
And when you teach half day.....that's it!  Wash, Rinse, Repeat.....the end.
Link up with Deedee at Mrs. Wills' Kindergarten here! 

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