Well Spring Break....it's been fun. It's time to get back to work tomorrow and while I really missed my kiddos I'm REALLY going to miss you. Our friend summer vacation is right around the corner though, so I'm sure I won't be missing you for long.
Now that the snarkism is out of the way....here is my peek at my week!
Our story for the week is The Little Engine That Could. I read this to my kiddos every year to teach them about the IB Attitude of Commitment, so this will be a fun week for me. I've put this off for awhile because I knew it was coming.
Here are a few products that go along with my week:
This unit contains all of my word work, listening station response sheets, CVC word practice, posters, and extras for the week.
Morning Work gets us started out the right way! I'm happy to report almost ALL of my kiddos know their required sight words for the year. I think Heidi Songs and they daily practice pages have something to do with it!
I'm excited to be starting Unit 6 of Guiding Kinders by Deanna Jump and Deedee Wills. It looks like a fun one. We are moving on to bigger and better numbers and there are some fun lessons involved. I'm just a little short on egg cartons for tomorrow.....don't know how I'm going to fix that before 8 am but I'm sure I will find a way!
I'm also pulling out one of my favorite Lucy Calkins units to teach How To Writing. I love this unit! I book has so many sticky notes and dog ears it's hardly recognizable as a book anymore. The kiddos love getting to become teachers as they write to teach others. It should be fun!
Ok, last but not least. I have a science observation lesson on Wednesday and NO TIME and NO PLAN. I guess I have a couple of days to think about that and I'm sure something marvelous will come to me. And St. Patrick's Day? I'm sure I'll find something to throw in there Tuesday.
Cut me a break....I've been on vacation!
That's it! Link up with Deedee HERE for Peek at my Week!

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